Video Infographic : Beer Index 2015: Infographic | Lufthansa
Did you know that Swedes drink more beer during Midsummer than Germans during Oktoberfest? Lufthansa takes you on an exciting tour through European airports and flight beer consumption. Check out how many A380 aircrafts could be filled with the amount of beer being served on board of Lufthansa. Also visit:
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Lufthansa is more than an airline. It is travel adventures, takeoff & landing excitement, a huge airplane fleet, Airbus and Boeing jets and all-round airport action – the whole world of travel.
Deutsche Lufthansa AG is a German airline with operations all over the world. Operating its airplane fleet through the airline group of Lufthansa Passage Airlines, Austrian Airlines, SWISS, Eurowings and other affiliates, Lufthansa offers the biggest worldwide flight route network.
With Lufthansa, you’ll not only experience excellent service, you’ll also benefit from Europe’s largest airplane fleet, including jumbo jets like the Boeing 747-8 or the Airbus A380. Visit our YouTube channel for the best Lufthansa commercial, cockpit view videos, pilot interviews and exciting travel tips!
Lufthansa. Nonstop you.