
Video Infographic : Authentic Branding for Your Infographic

Video Infographic : Authentic Branding for Your Infographic


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If you run a small business or manage a larger organization’s content marketing, it’s important that everything you create and share always leads your audience back to your services, products, or message. Infographics are a popular option for content marketing, as they allow a business to share information while also incorporating branding elements, such as:


Infographics can do a lot of the “work” for you, in terms of getting shared or attracting new visitors to your site. But you need to optimize your infographics to both share valuable information and make a connection in your audience’s mind. That’s why creating an on-brand infographic is more than just using your logo or company colors. It’s about knowing your audience and evaluating all of your content to make sure it’s valuable.

To create authentic, on-brand infographics, here are seven things to keep in mind during creation:

1. Figure out what you want people to remember
You need to take the information you want to share and build a story around it:

– What do you want people to remember from your infographic?
– Why is it important for them to know this?
– How are you going to make the message visually impactful?

Before you start translating your business into visuals, figure out the conclusion you want your audience to make about your business, products, or services. Then carry that conclusion through all other infographics you create in the future.

2. Choose colors intentionally
Every designer does this in their own way, but here are some general tips to remember:

– 2 main colors are ideal, 4 colors total is the ideal max.
– Keep your branding colors or create a color scheme based on Color Theory.
– Retain plenty of white space.

3. Build a visual structure
Make sure each piece of your infographic works towards together to communicate your message. We recommend keeping a general content block structure that you carry throughout your content marketing.

4. Turn text into graphics
Anytime you can transform dry data and the text version of your brand’s value proposition into graphics, do it!

5. Write branded copy
With an infographic, you need to make a big punch with less space – and with much less writing. Trim everything you can; your goal is less text and more shareable soundbites.

6. Make your infographic authentic
The best infographics convey both data and authenticity; your audience has standards and they expect content that is valuable and also reflects their tastes. Show people what you’re saying in a way that triggers a reaction.

7. Include a call to action
Remember, always include a call to action in your infographic.

A few ideas include asking people to call you for a consultation, check out your website, or you can even provide a suggestion such as, “Share this image on social media.”

The Bottom Line on Branding
Here’s the bottom line on branding. Infographics tell a story with visuals and small amounts of text. Be picky with the visual elements and copy that you include on these images; high standards will create a more cohesive brand and authentic tone. This way, people will be able to recognize your content at a glance, and they’ll know that the information will be valuable.

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