
Video Infographic : College Degrees That Earn The Most Money

Video Infographic : College Degrees That Earn The Most Money



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What should you study if you want to make the most money in your life? These degrees will set you up for success and make it so that you can one day be rich!

Deciding on a degree is a difficult choice. Although following your passions might be the most sensible, there’s only so many vacancies for football stars, astronauts, movies stars, and models. So getting practical might be the way forward. And if you’re being practical you better start about thinking about the money too. Because, what’s more practical than having enough cash to pay your bills, What degree has the graduate walking away from academia and landing a high paying job? In what subjects do the big dollars lay? That’s what we will try to find out in today’s Infographics Show as we look at– These degrees will make you the most money.

So today we’re looking at five degrees that could have you paying back those fees and putting a dent in the student loan in a matter of months. In the United States there are more than 4500 colleges with programs that vary wildly in cost. The cost of getting a degree is based not only on the tuition fees and the expenses students pay on living, rent, books, transportation etc – there are numerous other costs. Some degree programs are free, some are sponsored by grants, and others accept students on a non-profit basis. Getting a degree will probably cost you anywhere in the range of $0 up to $55,000 and maybe much more when you factor in living costs. Today we’re are looking at five degree programs that should see you getting back that outlay within the first year of employment.

First up and potentially the most lucrative of our five degrees is Petroleum engineering. With an average starting pay of $108,000 this industry is a sure way to start earning big fast. Petroleum engineering relates to the production of hydrocarbons, namely crude oil or natural gas. Once oil and gas exploration has taken place it needs to be extracted from the source and refined into a usable energy source. That’s where petroleum engineers come in. Petroleum engineering focuses requires an in-depth understanding of oil, water and gas within porous rock at high pressure. Graduates of a 4 year degree in petroleum engineering will need a solid understanding of math and science and be prepared to work in far flung places. Oil and gas workers can be offshore for months working on drilling rigs, refineries, and pipelines. After 10 or 12 years a petroleum engineering expert can expect to almost double that salary earning up to $185,000 per year making this the most lucrative career path on our list.





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