Infographic : Amazon shop of data visualisation books
I often get asked to recommend books about data visualisation and in the past I had a dedicated page on here with a long list of books I have personally found influential or inspirational. This list had referral links to the Amazon sales page in each case but it was really buggy and kept slowing down when attempting to load hundreds of book thumbnail images.
I have now killed this page and, because I apparently qualify as an ‘influencer’ (puke), I have instead now set up a more dynamic ‘shop’ on Amazon UK and US sites.
I will find it easier to keep the lists as up-to-date as possible, loosely organised across five groupings:
- Data Visualisation: Books that principally cover data visualisation or infographic design
- Design: Books about broader design thinking, information design and visual communication
- Thinking and Communication: Books that principally cover data visualisation or infographic design
- Technical: Books that principally cover data visualisation through technical instruction
- General interest: Everything else!
Where a book has multiple editions, I’ve tried to include just the most recent but I’m sure in some cases the Amazon links you visit might then point you onwards to a newer edition. The organisation of the groupings on the storefront page is only influenced by the order of my most recent edits to each list, so this will continually shift. Within each group, the sorting is more arbitrary though some attempt has been made to group authors and themes. It means those at the top of a list are no more important than those at the bottom. That said, I have indulged myself by putting my book first on the list, after all it is my store!
Naturally, any published books that are not available on the Amazon platform are missing but this only affects a small fraction of useful titles. Please note that I receive a small referral fee for any completed sale that is traced back to links clicked on these stores, but this does not inflate the prices.
You can visit the collections on the Visualising Data Amazon UK shop or the Visualising Data Amazon US shop.