
Infographic : Americans’ dream wage is 25% above their current salary Infographic

Infographic : Americans’ dream wage is 25% above their current salary Infographic

Don’t we all dream of a higher wage? How many of you out there get the wage you feel that you deserve and more importantly, that reflects how much value you offer to your company?

In the US, that figure would be 25% more than employees are receiving.

What is the primary factor for your job satisfaction? Working conditions? Who you work with? The work you do? Or, does it all hang on the compensation?

Marketing generalists are the ones most lacking with an expectation of a wage 40% higher than is on offer. Full stack developers are the most satisfied and consider a 5% wage increase to be their dream target.

The lesson here is learn to code!

The ‘Americans’ dream wage is 25% above their current salary’ infographic is the result of a unique survey conducted by Get Wanted. An interesting insight into the mindset of employees across the US.

Design 3 out of 5
The design for this graphic is in keeping with a business blog and the subject matter. To present the information in a clean manner with distraction of unnecessary elements.

Illustration 2.5 out of 5
The graphic has little illustration but does have clear graphics.

Typography 3 out of 5
Type is on the small size and I would address how easy it is to read some of the content. Also, don’t forget to always proof read before publishing.

Content 3.5 out of 5
Unique research is always a strong foundation for content. The subject matter offers a niche and interesting insight into the employee mindset and expectation.

Overall 3 out of 5
A relevant and interesting infographic with an understated design.

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