Infographic : Best of the visualisation web… August 2019
At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the latest collection from August 2019. (Note that some links lead to paywall items, for which you may have limited access before having to pay).
Visualisations & Infographics
Covering latest visualisation, infographic or other related design works.
@tableau | ‘This amazing chart reference guide developed by @FlerlageKev includes 100 chart types & variations from 74 different authors’
@officeofjane | ‘Collectively, overseas workers sent over $600 billion in remittances around the world in 2018, a significant contribution to some countries’ economies.’
@Lagomorpho | ‘The Sleep Blanket’
@NadiehBremer | ‘Still can’t believe it, but I got to work with the New York Times to create a #DataViz for their Opinion section!!’
The Pudding | ‘This is a story about whether men are singing higher in pop music’
Clever°Franke | ‘Experiments by Clever°Franke’
Guardian | ‘How a no-deal Brexit threatens your weekly food shop’
Zeit Online | ‘Diving into Urban-Rural Prejudice’
NZZ | ‘A Flickering Disaster’
Vimeo | ‘MLB Home Runs – Apex Visualisation’
New York Times | ‘Summer in the City Is Hot, but Some Neighborhoods Suffer More’
@ftbized | ‘The yield curve is one of the best indicators of a looming recession. But what does it *sound* like?’
National Geographic | ‘The history of Hong Kong, visualized’
BBC | ‘How much warmer is your city?’
ONS | ‘Middle-aged generation most likely to die by suicide and drug poisoning’
Tableau Public | ‘Hans Zimmer’s Music’
New York Times | ‘Detailed Maps of the Donors Powering the 2020 Democratic Campaigns’
Instagram | ‘Film Strips’ by Giorgia Lupi
New York Times | ‘The N.R.A. Has Trump. But It Has Lost Allies in Congress.’
Tableau Public | ‘House price change in England and Wales using a Dorling cartogram.’
@jennalaib | Nice idea for the ‘slow reveal graph’
Senseable City Lab | ‘To enhance user experience in train stations we look at how passengers move in space and perceive that space.’
@flowingdata | ‘How the American Work Day Changed in 15 Years’
@wonyoungso | ‘Happy to share my project “Cartographers of North Korea: who are the contributors?”‘
New York Times | ‘Why This Narrow Strait Next to Iran Is So Critical to the World’s Oil Supply’
@ | ‘As a data journalist who is also a gardener and concerned about the #climatecrisis, I started to look into droughts in Europe…’
National Geographic | ‘The Atlas of Moons’
Data Plus Science | ‘The Firebird Suite: Infernal Dance’
These are references to written articles, discourse or interviews about visualisation.
Nightingale | ‘We Live in a World of Funnels’
Policy Viz | ‘Observations on Animation in Data Visualization’
Towards Data Science | ‘Stop Using Zip Codes for Geospatial Analysis’
Nightingale | ‘Credit Where Credit is Due: Mary Eleanor Spear’
Modus | ‘Data-Driven Design Is Killing Our Instincts’
Nightingale | ‘How To Create A Thriving Data Visualization Culture’
John Grimwade | ‘History lessons: Twelve centuries of infographics’
nightingale | ‘A Journey Into the Heart of Sports: Data Viz with Daren Willman’
The Guardian | ‘Franken-algorithms: the deadly consequences of unpredictable code’
@nightingale | ‘The Process of Familiarity: An Interview with Nicholas Rougeux’
Learning & Development
These links cover presentations, tutorials, podcasts, academic papers, case-studies, how-tos etc.
@wiederkehra | Design process twitter thread to accompany the ‘A Flickering Disaster’ piece above
TabBlogs | ‘Using Tableau Prep’s new Python integration to predict Titanic survivors’
@wallacetim | ‘Fire maps are hard.’
@AlbertoCairo | ‘Oh, look who wrote something for The New York Times…’
Google AI Blog | ‘Turbo, An Improved Rainbow Colormap for Visualization’…
@jscarto … with some typically smart accompanying observations from Josh Stevens
@nightingale | ‘Introducing the Snail Chart: Yet Another Alternative for Bar Charts’
OSF | New Paper: ‘Toward Objective Evaluation of Working Memory in Visualizations: A Case Study Using Pupillometry and a Dual-Task Paradigm’ by Lace Padilla
@MKrzywinski | An interesting redesign of a table from an academic paper
@HBCompass | Responses to a question asking if newsrooms ‘have a process to evaluate your audience’s range of capacity and literacy for understanding complex graphs’
@lauraklein | ‘It has recently come to my attention that Design Twitter™ has a few questions that they can’t seem to answer. As always, I am here to help’
Data Journalism | ‘AMA with The Economist’s data team’
@stefpos | ‘Anyone else get that horrible creative perfection paralysis where you have an incredible creative opportunity but are so afraid of f-ing it up you procrastinate horribly and waste all the time?’
Vimeo | Published videos of the Eyeo 2019 talks
Subject News
Includes announcements within the field, such as new sites or resources, new book titles and other notable developments.
Michelle Rial | New book: ‘AM I OVERTHINKING THIS? Over-answering life’s questions in 101 charts’ by Michelle Rial
@pciuccarelli | ‘Ten years ago @La_Lettura + @densitydesign invented a format that changed the infographics scene…’
@Altiziana | ‘Who was the #dataviz practitioner that made you want to be a dataviz practitioner?’
Multiple Views | ‘TheyDrawIt!: An Authoring Tool for Belief-Driven Visualization’
Any other items that may or may not be directly linked to data visualisation but might have a data, technology or visual theme.
The Guardian | ‘Most detailed ever 3D map of Milky Way shows ‘warped’ shape’
Uglygerry | ‘A font created by your Congressional districts’
@theboysmithy | ‘This is not just any jigsaw. This is the
@FinancialTimes Visual Vocabulary jigsaw’
Creative Review | ‘The evolution of Emojis’
Wired | ‘Why I’m obsessed with people who respond ‘don’t know’ to really obvious YouGov questions’
@_cingraham | ‘This is fascinating and infuriating: CA man gets license plate reading NULL…’
@Drumble | ‘In my role as a Story Artist for animated features, I always end up rewatching the climactic train chase from “Wallace and Gromit: The Wrong Trousers”‘