Infographic : Best of the visualisation web… February 2019
At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the latest collection from February 2019.
Visualisations & Infographics
Covering latest visualisation, infographic or other related design works.
Tulp Interactive | ‘On time every time’
Axios | ‘Earth’s 5 warmest years on record have occurred since 2014’
New York Times | ‘The British-Irish Dialect Quiz’
The Guardian | ‘How Brexit has created four new political factions’
Behance | ‘Obelisks throughout centuries’
Twitter | ‘The gap between Labour and the Tories in ideological terms is a lot smaller now than it was in the 1980s’
Tableau Public | ‘The full history of the Six Nations’
Bloomberg | ‘Disney Faces Fresh Criticism After Heir Calls Iger’s Pay ‘Insane’’
The Pudding | ‘The Gyllenhaal Experiment’
New York Times | ‘NASA’s Opportunity Rover Dies on Mars’
Vox | ‘American segregation, mapped at day and night’
Gramener | ‘Visual Vocabulary – Vega Edition’
The Pudding | ‘How many high school stars make it in the NBA?’
Washington Post | ‘LeBron James passes Michael Jordan on NBA’s scoring list’
Lucas Infografia | What an amazing body of work
FT | ‘Waymo builds big lead in self-driving car testing’ (interesting wrap-around bar charts)
New York Times | ‘Brumadinho Dam Collapse: A Tidal Wave of Mud’
Vocs | ‘Mapping 24 Emotions Conveyed by Brief Human Vocalization’
Economist | ‘The names of migrants to America suggest they were individualists’
Economist | ‘British voters are unimpressed by Theresa May’s Brexit deal’
SCMP | ‘Extreme Earth is blowing hot and cold’
Washington Post | ‘The numbers behind workplace discrimination’
Twitter | ‘Brand Values, over 18 years’ (‘Bar chart race’ patient zero?)
Flowing Data | ‘How Many Kids We Have and When We Have Them’
Tableau Public | ‘Super Bowl LIII’
Flowing Data | ‘Billions at the Franchise Box Office’
Economist | ‘Build a British voter: Profiles of a divided country’
Tableau Public | ‘Florida Squeeze’
Information is Beautiful | ‘Based on a true true story?’
ABC | ‘The Amazon Race: A news game about what it’s like to work in an Amazon warehouse’
Washington Post | ‘The rising Western skyline’
New York Times | ‘A Fence, Steel Slats or “Whatever You Want To Call It”‘
These are references to written articles, discourse or interviews about visualisation.
Medium | ‘How the BBC Visual and Data Journalism team works with graphics in R’
Serial Mentor | ‘Goodbye Joyplots’
The Guardian | ‘WEB Du Bois: retracing his attempt to challenge racism with data’
New York Times | ‘Meet Amanda Cox, Who Brings Life to Data on Our Pages’
Wired | ‘The nerdy charm of artisanal hand-drawn infographics’
Datawrapper | ‘2018: The fourth hottest year. Compared to what?’
Flourish | ‘Why data visualisation needs a play button’
Medium | ‘Making Annotations First-Class Citizens in Data Visualization’
Earth Observatory | ‘Searching for the Bluest’
Medium | ‘I’m a Visual Designer whose sight is not perfect anymore’
Medium | ‘Tackling Brexit — A day in the life of an interactive journalist’
Digiday | ‘Inside Bloomberg’s 30-person international data journalism team’
Learning & Development
These links cover presentations, tutorials, podcasts, academic papers, case-studies, how-tos etc.
YouTube | ‘Things I Know About Tableau Layout Containers’ (so useful for confused container users like me)
Clever Franke | Case study about a project for visualising live BMX rider data
Twitter | ‘I’m collecting #visualization design processes’
Twitter | ‘I’m looking for examples of unconventional viz that “breaks the rules”‘
PNAS | Paper: ‘Data visualization literacy: Definitions, conceptual frameworks, exercises, and assessments’ by Katy Börner, Andreas Bueckle, and Michael Ginda
UX Design | ‘Lessons from the amazing journey of being a designer.’
VisPubData | ‘A dataset that contains information on IEEE Visualization (IEEE VIS) publications from 1990-2018’
YouTube | ‘North is a societal construct: when to break the rules with your map’
JSchöley | ‘But Why? Design choices made while creating “Regional population structures at a glance”‘
Medium | ‘More than meets the eye: How understanding visual interpretation can improve data visualisation’
Tableau Public | ‘The History of the 6 Nations, 5 Nations and Home Nations Championships’
Policy Viz | ‘Episode #147: Lazaro Gamio’
Subject News
Includes announcements within the field, such as new sites or resources, new book titles and other notable developments.
Medium | ‘Introducing the Data Visualization Society’
Aalto University | New Book: English translation of ‘Data Visualization Handbook’ by Juuso Koponen and Jonatan Hildén
jxnblk | ‘A live tool for checking the contrast ratio between different colour combinations of text and background’
Microsoft | ‘Add data to Excel directly from a photo’
MH Infographics | ‘My sincere gratitude to the South China Morning Post’
Esri | ‘New Map Projection Meets Cartographic Needs and Desires’
Equal Earth | ‘The Equal Earth Physical Map’
Science | ‘A brief visual history of the periodic table’
Amazon | New Book Announcement: ‘How Charts Lie’ by Alberto Cairo
Amazon | New Book Announcement: ‘SprawlBall: A Visual Tour of the New Era of the NBA’ by by Kirk Goldsberry
YouTube | ‘A narrated tour through the contents of INFO WE TRUST’
Exploratorium | Event: ‘On May 8 and 9, 2019, the Exploratorium will be hosting VISUALISE: Visualization for Informal Science Education’
Twitter | ‘New project in the family! The’
Any other items that may or may not be directly linked to data visualisation but might have a data, technology or visual theme.
YouTube | ‘Heesch Numbers and Tiling by Numberphile’
Udeuschle | ‘Create a panorama’
BBC | ‘What is hauntology? And why is it all around us?’
Can’t Unsee | ‘Select the design that is most correct’ (Quiz)
Sheffield University | ‘A foto da favela de Paraisópolis’ (as seen through Google Earth)
Twitter | ‘Rush hour in Los Angeles’
The Guardian | ”It’s impossible!’ – Christian Marclay and the 24-hour clock made of movie clips’
The Guardian | ‘Joy of six: the buildings transformed by 3D hexagon murals’
Medium | ‘Business reboot: what happened when I took July ‘off’’