
Infographic : Best of the visualisation web… February 2021

Infographic : Best of the visualisation web… February 2021

At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the latest collection from February 2021.

Notes: the items listed may not have been necessarily published during this month, rather discovered during the month. Some links point to paywall items. The details shown below label the platform/site each item is published on – not necessarily the actual author – and a brief selective description.

Visualisations & Infographics

Covering latest visualisation, infographic or other related design works.

The Guardian | ‘Beneath the blue: dive into a dazzling ocean under threat – interactive’

@blprnt | ‘I’m a data artist from NYC and in January I made this visualization of the 45,787 birds counted in Brooklyn for last year’s Christmas Bird Count.’

Density Design Lab | ‘The World Pictured by Google Street View’

Reuters | ‘The age of the “megafire”’

@CarniDC | ‘What does 425,000 Covid deaths sound like?’

Tableau Public | ‘Europe’s Electricity Generation in 2020’

@CraigTaylorViz | ‘Take a little tour around a glossy (exaggerated) NYC with ~1 hour of bus activity’

Washington Post | ‘Lightning activity in the U.S. was below average in 2020, with notable exceptions’

Washington Post | ‘How a sluggish vaccination program could delay a return to normal and invite vaccine-resistant variants to emerge’

Studio Nand | ‘Mapping Environmental Correlations’

Unfolded | ‘Development of the building stock in the canton of Zurich since 1950’

FiveThirtyEight | ‘According To Super Bowl Ads, Americans Love America, Animals And Sex’

Mundo Deportivo | ‘Roger Federer: 20 year anniversary’ [Spanish]

@johnspacemuller | ‘ told an algorithm to find seven playstyles’

New York Times | ‘Tom Brady vs. Patrick Mahomes: A Battle of the Ages’

Stamen | ‘2020: A year of remote dataviz’

New York times | ‘An Extremely Detailed Map of the 2020 Election’

NASA | ‘Mars 2020: Entry Descent Landing’

BuzzFeed | ‘One Year, 500,000 Deaths’

@chiquiesteban | ‘500,000 deaths caused by coronavirus in the U.S. It’s a number hard to grasp, so [we] have tried to use different ways to explain it. The result hits hard.’

National Geographic | ‘Visualizing 500,000 deaths from Covid-19 in the U.S.’

Scientific American | ‘What Scientists Have Learned from 100 Years of Bird Banding ‘

New York Times | ‘Every country has its own climate risks. What’s yours?’


These are references to written articles, discourse or interviews about visualisation.

Hypotheses | ‘Data Design and Diplomacy: What is at stake?’

Nightingale | ‘A Dashboard for Planet Earth’

Polygraph | ‘Reconstructing seven days of protests’

Data Drive | ‘Tableau’s New Pricing Model– and Why Small Businesses Should Care’

Voila | ‘500,000 dots is too many’

Observable | ‘How D3 Moved Us’

John Grimwade | ‘Fernando Baptista’s process’

PolicyViz | ‘The Ten Most Misleading Charts During Donald Trump’s Presidency’

Nightingale | ‘Food for Thought: Part 1 of a Yearlong Personal Data Project’

i News | ‘Behind the scenes of the coronavirus dashboard: a record 76.5m views, 2bn rows of data and 100 computers’

Questions in Dataviz | ‘Why do I use flowers to visualise data?’

Datawrapper | ‘The oldest U.S. Senate to date, but not the least representative’

Learning & Development

These links cover presentations, tutorials, podcasts, academic papers, case-studies, how-tos etc.

Data Blick | ‘A Tableau Accessibility Journey – Part I’

VizSimply | ‘How to Create a Side Nav for your Tableau Portal with React’

Nightingale | ‘Navigating the Wide World of Data Visualization Libraries’

@crystaljjlee | Thread about a new paper ‘How do COVID skeptics on FB/Twitter use + interpret data?’

Taylor & Francis Online | Classic paper: ‘The Problem of Numeracy’ by A. S. C. Ehrenberg (1979)

ESRI | ‘Experiments with dot density – Part Two’

YoutTube | ‘One Chart at a Time: Connected Scatterplots with Steve Franconeri (Ep. 21)’

@janezhgw | ‘I am starting a new video series called Jane’s Design Process’

Subject News

Includes announcements within the field, such as new sites or resources, new book titles and other notable developments.

The Economist | Recommended newsletter – ‘Taking you behind the scenes of our data journalism, directly to your inbox every Tuesday.’

@undertheraedar | Short thread from Alasdair describing his newly launched data/map training

Society for News Design | ‘SND42: Best of Print News Design results’

@ | ‘It’s been ten years since I pushed the first release of D3.js to GitHub. Have I learned anything? I hope so… but it’s a journey.’

@rawgraphs | ‘Today it’s the day! We are very excited to share the new version of RAWGraphs with everyone.’


Any other items that may or may not be directly linked to data visualisation but might have a data, technology or visual theme.

@rifish | ‘A fascinating “redlist” of extinct/endangered crafts in the UK…’

@presentcorrect | ‘Mind boggling aerial shots of Florida land use.’

BFI | ‘Welcome to the dollhouse: ten takes on a century of cinematic cutaways’ | ‘Support Local Bookshops. Shop Online with’

@NatGeoMaps | ‘This dramatic physical map of the Atlantic Ocean floor appeared as folded supplement in the June 1968 issue of National Geographic’

@the_Norberg | ‘Level design tip of the day! A Long Thread about stairs!’

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