
Infographic : Best of the visualisation web… May 2019

Infographic : Best of the visualisation web… May 2019

At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the latest collection from May 2019.

Visualisations & Infographics

Covering latest visualisation, infographic or other related design works.

Zeit Online | ‘Europe from Left to Right’

FiveThirtyEight | ‘Where Democrats And Republicans Live In Your City’

The Guardian | ‘The power switch: tracking Britain’s record coal-free run’

@huprice | ‘I designed my dress to be a ‘sign’ too. It’s global temperature data.’

National Geographic | ‘We’ll Have What They’re Having’

SCMP | ‘How Bruce Lee and street fighting in Hong Kong helped create MMA’

@billshander | ‘A #dataviz of the dot com boom. One year (12 issues) of @wired magazine. Year 2000 on the left, 2015 on the right.’

Economist | ‘China is surprisingly carbon-efficient—but still the world’s biggest emitter’

@flantz | ‘Feels like a watershed moment for the new form of the “interactive essay”.’ – fantastic thread collection of different works in this genre

Reuters | ‘Going gray: The world’s population is getting older. Japan is on the forefront of this demographic trend that will affect Germany, China and Italy in coming years.’

observablehq | ‘Animated flow map of commuters in the Netherlands in 2016’

2019 vote EU | ‘2019 vote EU is an online tool that allows you to explore the opinions of over 250 political parties from 28 EU member states on 22 policy statements for the 2019 European Elections.’

@GwilymLockwood | ‘This is the Premier League over time. The top 6-7 teams are getting stronger, and everybody else is getting weaker. ‘

Financial Times | ‘Why Liverpool and Manchester City have blown away football rivals’

National Geographic | ‘The Pacific’s fiery ring’

Jared Wilber | ‘The Permutation Test: A Visual Explanation of Statistical Testing’

Financial Times | ‘Pollution: the race to clean up the shipping industry’

The Guardian | ‘Premier League endgame: the data behind a historic title race’

@rarohde | ‘Animated diagram of the Earth’s Carbon Cycle and how it has changed over time.’

@DataToViz | ‘Early prototypes of reviziting the receipt, one piece of a larger question I want explore: how can viz be integrated into everyday experiences?’

Pitch Interactive | ‘The Mueller Report: A Word Frequency Analysis’

Trails of Wind | ‘The architecture of airport runways’

The Pudding | ‘Women’s issues within political party platforms’

Tableau Public | ‘100 Years of Platypus Sightings in Tasmania’


These are references to written articles, discourse or interviews about visualisation.

It’s Nice That | ‘“If it’s about farts, draw a butt for god’s sakes”: Mona Chalabi tells us how to illustrate data’

Nightingale | ‘Wedding Data Viz: How We Designed for Feelings’

Datawrapper | ‘What to consider when creating tables: Dos & don’ts of table design’

Medium | ‘Nadieh Bremer, the Data Explorer: Numbers Are Much More Rational than Humans’

Learning & Development

These links cover presentations, tutorials, podcasts, academic papers, case-studies, how-tos etc.

Nightingale | ‘How We’ve Learned Data Viz, and Why You May Want To Do It Differently’

@DataRemixed | ‘Here’s a 20th century #dataviz pioneer you may not have heard about (I didn’t until today) – Mary Eleanor Spear’

Data Stories | ‘Episode 140 | Data Visualization Society’

@LacePadilla | ‘Ever wonder ‘why’ exactly rainbow colormaps are bad? In our EuroVis paper, we provide empirical evidence that they perceptually discretize continuous data.’

@moritz_stefaner | ‘Observation: None of the most iconic climate data visualizations… seem to have come from information design or #dataviz experts.’

Cochrane Library | Paper: ‘Using alternative statistical formats for presenting risks and risk reductions’

Subject News

Includes announcements within the field, such as new sites or resources, new book titles and other notable developments.

Bio Render | New tool: ‘Create Professional Science Figures in Minutes ‘

@giorgialupi | ‘Sharing a pretty big and shiny data point in my life: I am thrilled to announce that I am joining @pentagramdesign as a partner in the New York office!’

Longitude | ‘Longitude: A space for the map and data visualization community to converge, meet, and share.’

Datawrapper | ‘Our new Tables: responsive, with sparklines, bar charts and sticky rows’

Sandra Rendgen | ‘Preview: The History of Infographics, as seen by the experts (June 2019)’

Svift | New tool: ‘svift is an open visualisation tool to turn numbers into beautiful charts. It is easy, super fast and fun. Try our prototype now and let us know what you think.’


Any other items that may or may not be directly linked to data visualisation but might have a data, technology or visual theme.

BBC | ‘How computing’s first ‘killer app’ changed everything’

@angt34 | ‘Great little detail on the new Luton Town jersey.’

CNN | ‘Finland is winning the war on fake news. What it’s learned may be crucial to Western democracy’

@FraZaffarano | ‘Which version would you like to read?’

New York Times | ‘How Data (and Some Breathtaking Soccer) Brought Liverpool to the Cusp of Glory’

@mikewhills | ‘One of my charts made it on to @haveigotnews!’

@sophiescott | ‘…we have a monthly podcast: I give him a scientific paper to read, and he sends me a poem to read and then we work out what art and science have in common’

Steve Haroz | ‘VSS Poster Bingo’

The Guardian | ‘Make your mark: the enduring joy of drawing’

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