
Infographic : Data visualisation training in your city or company?

Infographic : Data visualisation training in your city or company?

After a disrupted 2019, I’m finally now getting round to look forwards again. A key component of that involves considering my prospective schedule of data visualisation training events: how many, what type, when and, crucially, where.

Though I already have a number of events lined up for the rest of 2019, with a new book coming out next month and lots of plans for enhancing my training offering, I’m keen to continue growth across each of these headline statistics.

PUBLIC TRAINING: I have been offering public training since 2011 and have delivered events all over the world. My choice of training location is always influenced by the levels of interest expressed by people requesting their preferred city to be added to the schedule. So if would like to encourage me to add your location to my upcoming schedule, please complete the form on the ‘Training Request’ or send me an email. Once sufficient levels of interest are expressed for a certain location I will make every effort to schedule an event.

PRIVATE/CORPORATE TRAINING: Delivering private training events for organisations has been the most dominant training type across my working calendar for most of the past two years, in particular. Data visualisation training can be delivered on-site for client organisations in the most convenient corporate locations and at the most convenient times. If you would like to explore options for arranging a session for your team or wider group of colleagues, once again, please complete the form on the ‘Training Request’ tab or email me with information about your potential requirements and we’ll discuss the opportunities.

HOSTED EVENTS: Hosted events are training workshops where a partner organisation may host and organise the training event, delivered by me, but with attendance open to public delegates or maybe select groups of attendees (for example, people who have registered to attend an associated conference event). Typically, an arrangement will be made with the organiser to agree a flat rate fee or a proportional share of the revenue generated. If you would like to consider me to assist with such training the contact methods are as above.

CURRENT SCHEDULE: Here is the current schedule of public events taking place through to the end of 2019.

ONLINE From 23 SEP 2019 Sage Campus: Introduction to Data Visualisation Next 3-monthly cohort
LONDON (2 days) 8-9 OCT 2019 Data Visualisation Training (2-day) | LONDON 6 places left
ROME (2 days) 30-31 OCT 2019 Data Visualisation Training (2-day) | ROME Organised by ‘Technology Transfer’
UTRECHT (2 days) 27-28 NOV 2019 Graphical Literacy (2-day) | UTRECHT Organised by ‘Graphic Hunters’
LONDON (2 days) 2-3 DEC 2019

Coming soon…

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