
Infographic : Keeping The Knot Tied A Look At Marriage Guidance Counseling Infographic

Infographic : Keeping The Knot Tied A Look At Marriage Guidance Counseling Infographic

Could this piece be any more timely?

Alongside over two billion people, on Saturday, I cried my way through the wedding of Harry and Meghan.

Planning a wedding may feel stressful and difficult but that is the easy part. The real work begins once the honeymoon is over. Relationships are hard work and like the best things you get out what you put in.

I once heard advice from someone who mentioned that a relative was having couple counseling before they got married and rather than this being a warning sign, it should be seen as a positive.

Addressing issues before nuptials shows a mature approach to a relationship and being prepared to do what it takes to make it work.

Historically marriage counseling is something that would have been delivered by the local priest but in times of fractured communities, it now falls on us to seek advice from professionals.

Keeping the Knot Tied, A Look at Marriage Counselling infographic is a piece of content by UWA online that offers the benefits of choosing a rewarding career that can make a real difference to people’s lives.

Design overall – 8
The design is in keeping with the subject with a wedding style that clearly represents the subject, right from the banner down.

The graphic is designed as a wedding cake with each layer representing a different section of content – clever use of style.

Typography – 7
Font choices represent the subject and heirachy is clear.

Illustration – 8
The illustration on this piece is strong with the emphasis on the wedding cake background.

Content – 7
A selection of information focused on anyone considering a career in counseling, and particularly in marriage guidance.

Overall score – 7.5
An attractive graphic that frames the content offered.

Keeping the Knot Tied, A Look at Marriage Counselling infographic

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