
Infographic : Publication details for my book’s second edition

Infographic : Publication details for my book’s second edition

I’m delighted to share news that the second edition of my book ‘Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design’ is nearing completion and will be published in the UK on the 27th July 2019, with availability in other regions following in late August/September.

The simple aim of this book is to help people to become better visual communicators of data through the optimisation of creative, analytical and contextual decision-making. The specific purpose of the second edition is to take the opportunity to make necessary enhancements (refinements, additions and deletions) to the contents to reflect how my own convictions might have evolved in the few years since completing the first edition. It also allows me to update some of the examples referred in the text to reflect both contemporary applications techniques. Unless you are a committed completist collector of books, if you already have the first edition you may not need to also invest in this new edition, but certainly if you are buying this text for the first time this is the edition to go for.

In the coming weeks I will be running some contests to offer people the chance to win a few free copies (upon release), so watch this space, but in the meantime here are the ways and means of pre-ordering the book.

Where to order in the UK?

Sage, 29 July 2019

Amazon (UK), 10 August 2019

Where to order outside of the UK?

Amazon (US), 9 September 2019

Barnes and Noble, 9 September 2019

Footprint, TBC August 2019

When I get them, I will add further links and details of other places to buy the book, especially for other regions beyond the UK/US market. Please note the hardback copies are intended for libraries whereby they need to be a little more physically robust to protect the condition of the book for long term usage. Far fewer hardback copies are printed which means that the individual unit cost is higher than would normally be found with the higher volume print runs of the paperback version.

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