
Infographic : The Ocean Plastic Innovation Challenge

Infographic : The Ocean Plastic Innovation Challenge

I’m delighted to have been invited to join the judging panel for the data visualisation track of the Ocean Plastic Innovation Challenge, launched by National Geographic and Sky Ocean Ventures.

The challenge is open to all graphic designers, visualisers or storytellers with the aim to help tackle the world’s plastic waste crisis through effective communication of data/information. The data visualisation track specifically invites participants to “represent a data set related to the global challenge of plastic waste as an original and compelling data visualization or infographic”.

If this challenge is of interest, here are some headline details:

  • The initial submission deadline is June 11. Finalists will be select week of July 8
  • Submitted pieces must include a description of the intended audience for the data visualization and a description of why data and design choices were made specifically for that audience
  • Up to four teams will be selected as finalists and will work with the National Geographic Partners graphics team to refine their submissions
  • The winner will receive $10,000, and the winning data visualization will be considered for digital publication by National Geographic.

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