Infographic : Unscrambling the US Auto Debt Explosion Infographic
In all honesty, this is an area that I know nothing about and is confusing. Even after skimming the infographic I am unsure as to how people in the US get trapped into never ending Auto Loans.
For me, the most surprising stat on the page is the average price of a car in the US at $37,950 – what are people buying???
The information on the page shows a huge explosion in car loans and to me this looks eerily reminiscent of the rise of the sub prime home loans scandal that brought down the economy pre 2007.
It will be interesting to track where this trend goes.
Unscrambling the US Auto Debt explosion infographic from Car Payment Calculator is an overview of the deep dive article that comprehensively covers everything you need to know about US car finance.
Design – 3.5/5
The graphic is well presented and uses a limited palette to avoid overwhelming the eye. Sections are clearly defined and all information is easy to read at a glance.
Typography – 4/5
Text is concise and kept to a minimum. All titles are easy to read and hierarchy is well defined.
Illustration – 3/5
Crisp graphics punctuate the page in appropriate places all pleasing to the eye.
Content – 4.5/5
As mentioned above, the graphic is only the tip of the iceberg for the in-depth article on the page. The infographic itself is a summary but the page contains a wealth of information and goes into great detail to supplement the infographic. I like to see pages presented in this way – a summary at the top and then a deep dive that provides real value.
Overall – 3.75 out of 5
Well presented containing a deep dive of information on this niche area.