
Infographic : Why hasn’t the US Homeownership rate recovered? Infographic

Infographic : Why hasn’t the US Homeownership rate recovered? Infographic

Millennials get a lot of press for spending exorbitant amounts of money on avocado toast, but they can’t get on to the property ladder?

It’s a decade after the spectacular collapse of Lehmann Brother, Fanny May and Freddie Mac and the ensuing financial meltdown, yet home ownership has not yet recovered and remains at rates last seen in the 60s.

Millennials now have the lowest home ownership rate of any generation. Is this an unfair blip in a generational cycle or is there a reason why Millennials can’t save money to invest in a property?

Why hasn’t the US homeownership rate recovered? infographic from Mortgage Calculators covers a variety of reasons, backed by data, that review what is going on with the current state of the US housing market.

Design (3)
The layout of this infographic follows more of an article format with considerable text all illustrated by a variety of diagrams and graphs. Sections are broken up to answer a variety of questions making it easier to dip into the information.

Typography (2)
The type hierarchy is basic but clear and all text is readable.

Illustration (3)
The graphic is punctuated with icons and illustrations that complement the content.

Content (4)
There is considerable content to consume contained in this graphic. As said above, the layout is more like an article with this being an in-depth read. The niche question is comprehensively covered and a variety of detailed information is delivered.

Overall score – 3 out of 5
An considerable read of an infographic with plenty of information to answer the question posed.

Why hasn't the US Homeownership rate recovered?

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