
Map : Congratulations to /u/akatheguy: winner of April’s Monthly Map Contest!

Map Info & Chart : Congratulations to /u/akatheguy: winner of April’s Monthly Map Contest!

**Congratulations to /u/akatheguy for [Big Island, Hawaii at sunset](**

This map won with 20 votes.

* **2nd Place:**
[Asia, 6th century]( by /u/Brother_Judas with 19 votes.

* **3rd Place:**
[1798 political map of Switzerland enhanced with 3D elevation data]( by /u/fearlessjs with 11 votes.

* **4th Place:**
[A 3D Map of Fenner NY]( by /u/bes5318 with 11 votes. 

Contest mode is now turned *off* and all [results are now visible on the original post](



**A note about vote fuzzing:**
*Reddit’s software fuzzes the votes on posts and comments. This means that scores change unexplainably. Reddit admins say they do this to fight spam bots. This is not something that the moderators have any control over. That said, after contest mode is turned off there may be different vote totals for different submissions. This is out of our control and simply a part of using Reddit. The map contest uses a bot to return the highest rated comments on the voting post. For all intents and purposes the results that the bot posts are the winners of the contest.*


*For more information [check out the Reddit FAQ](*


To leave feedback [contact the moderators.](
This contest was automated with a bot. [GitHub](


**[Click here to submit a map to the contest next month](**


Thank you to all participants and hope to see you in next month’s contest!

By MapPornBot

At we provide handpicked collection of the best infographics and data charts from around the world.

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