
Map : Estimated year count of education per person who is older than 18 in Turkey’s various provinces: Average of country is 7,1 years while best score is in Ankara with 8,9 years and worst score is in Ağrı with 4,5 years.

Map Info & Chart : Estimated year count of education per person who is older than 18 in Turkey’s various provinces: Average of country is 7,1 years while best score is in Ankara with 8,9 years and worst score is in Ağrı with 4,5 years.

Estimated year count of education per person who is older than 18 in Turkey’s various provinces: Average of country is 7,1 years while best score is in Ankara with 8,9 years and worst score is in Ağrı with 4,5 years.

By doridos7

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