
Map : Ethnographic maps of the Balkans

Map Info & Chart : Ethnographic maps of the Balkans

Hi all,

First time poster here.

This is a pretty strange and open-ended question…

I am interested in producing a feature wall with the many different interpretations of the ethnographic makeup of the Balkans over the years.

I am mostly after maps such as this: [](

As well as detail from various areas and different perspectives such as this: [](

The periods I am most interested in are the 17-19th centuries but would also like to throw in some maps from the distant past, eg. Ancient Macedonia as well as 20thC to present-day census information.

Other maps I might have an interest in are ones produced for political purposes, eg: [×1024.jpg](×1024.jpg)

Is there a resource where high-resolution versions of these sorts of maps are saved, and is anyone able to point me in the direction of where I can buy originals?

The key here is to capture the different political perspectives, whether they be French/British/German, or biases coming from the occupier (eg. Ottoman maps versus Austro-Hungarian), or those who may have expansionist desires eg. Greater Albania, Macedonia etc.

Thanks in advance!

By katatoniq

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