
Map : Just picked up an old map that was left by the garbage bins at my school. Didn’t check anything, I was in a hurry. Turns out the map is from 1992. Imagine how long it has been hanging in the classroom. (slipper for scale)

Map Info & Chart : Just picked up an old map that was left by the garbage bins at my school. Didn’t check anything, I was in a hurry. Turns out the map is from 1992. Imagine how long it has been hanging in the classroom. (slipper for scale)

Just picked up an old map that was left by the garbage bins at my school. Didn’t check anything, I was in a hurry. Turns out the map is from 1992. Imagine how long it has been hanging in the classroom. (slipper for scale)

By ichbinnotspeakgerman

At we provide handpicked collection of the best infographics and data charts from around the world.

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