
Map : This always fascinated me. India gained independence in 1947 and Maharashtra a state within the Indian Subcontinent came into existence in 1960. Now the territorial map of Maharashtra resembles the Indian Peninsula and the North-Eastern States. There is a gap where Bangladesh exists too. Uncanny!

Map Info & Chart : This always fascinated me. India gained independence in 1947 and Maharashtra a state within the Indian Subcontinent came into existence in 1960. Now the territorial map of Maharashtra resembles the Indian Peninsula and the North-Eastern States. There is a gap where Bangladesh exists too. Uncanny!

This always fascinated me. India gained independence in 1947 and Maharashtra a state within the Indian Subcontinent came into existence in 1960. Now the territorial map of Maharashtra resembles the Indian Peninsula and the North-Eastern States. There is a gap where Bangladesh exists too. Uncanny!

By TittyMcTwister

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