Video Infographic : Dragoncraft Altersphere Take Two Draft Infographic v1
Irl stuff over the end of week and weekend held this one back a bit, but youtube editor was also broken so I wouldn’t have been able to get it out anyway. Good news is I found a better way to edit cause of it so that should help in the near or distant future.
Pretty happy with this one. I was a lil frustrated with several intro part retakes so the beginning might sound a lil sloppy up to like marduk but it gets better from there. I misspeak for the stat lines of Serpent Drake (3/2 Evo) and Poseidon (4/7) when going through them. Dragon soul is a 2/2 like I correct in the video but that should hopefully be it. Funny how I had to cut Jabbers text in the template and it still crosses over.