
Video Infographic : How do I communicate what my business does with infographics?

Video Infographic : How do I communicate what my business does with infographics?


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One of the hardest parts about marketing is boiling down your business’s services or message into one clear, attractive and dynamic point. We all know that an audience wants to know what services or products you provide without getting “the runaround,” so it’s more important than ever to make your point quickly.

Infographics help generate more organic search traffic and increase your SEO ranking, and they are more likely to persuade your audience to action.

So if you’re wondering how to communicate what your business does, try infographics. With infographics, you can highlight what your business does – and how it does it – in just a few steps.
Pay Attention to Structure (So Your Audience Pays Attention)

If you want to really show your audience what your business does in record time, you need to structure your infographic the right way. This means:

Making your business name or services visible at the very top of your infographic
Including visual information about your services or business (try to find icons to replace text)
Creating a Call to Action at the bottom or side

After you’ve built the top out, you can include information about you, your product, or your services in the middle. This is where you communicate what your business does, so try to make it as concise as possible.

As a general rule of thumb, we recommend sticking to minimal text (about 30% of the total image) and try to find icons and objects that match your message. For example, you can use maps to show where you provide your services, or use people icons to represent who you serve.

Then, you always need a Call to Action at the bottom or side of your infographic (depending on the structure and flow of your template). Just like your business name or services, you need to make sure that this stands out. Your Call to Action is what is going to get more traffic, revenue, or clients for your business so don’t forget it!
Stay on Brand With Infographics
Finally, when you’re starting to create infographics for your business, it’s always important to stay on brand. The best way to do this is pick colors that match your logo, business site, or style guide (if you’ve worked with a graphic designer).

If you don’t have a style guide, or are just launching your business, it’s really important to find 2-3 colors and about two fonts that represent your company, services, or personal brand. This way, you have a “go to” set of colors and fonts that make creating your infographic even easier!

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