
Video Infographic : Insanely Dumb Tweets That Got People Fired

Video Infographic : Insanely Dumb Tweets That Got People Fired



What if you tweeted something horrible and got fired for hit? Well, these people did! These people tweeted almost like it was a challenge to get fired !

Twitter can be a great place to share ideas. The microblogging platform has a large worldwide audience. It is estimated that every day 100 million people are daily active users on Twitter and that Twitter has 261 million international users.

However, as with any other social media, you have to be careful about what you say and post on Twitter. A growing problem is people losing their jobs over inappropriate tweets. Employers attempt to address this problem by establishing rules for employees to follow. According to lawyer Bryan Wood, “many major employers have social media policies that address activity on both personal and professional accounts.” They include advice about “basic decency” and what would seem to be common sense measures such as “be respectful” and “protect proprietary company information.” What can happen if you don’t follow these policies? We will find out as we examine our top 20 job-ending tweets in this episode of The Infographics Show, “Worst Tweets That Got People Fired.”




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