
Video Infographic : JIIV Recycled Stationery (Infographic video)

Video Infographic : JIIV Recycled Stationery (Infographic video)



JIIV Intro video (Infographics)

We were delighted to get an opportunity to work with an eco friendly product which has a motto to save a lot of trees without compromising the functionalities of stationeries.

JIIV is a Mysuru based company which manufactures recycled stationery. Their motto is to educate and create awareness among people, especially children about the depleting natural resources and the path to sustainable development. Subsequently they stand by the Pledge taken by Mysuru regarding the 4 R’s that is to Refuse, Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. By using their stationary one will certainly feel their reunion with the environment and the real recycling in our products.

Written, Illustrated, Animated and Edited by Chandan CM, Vidhama Studios

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