
Video Infographic : Joomla!® Infographics 2012 (v1.0)

Video Infographic : Joomla!® Infographics 2012 (v1.0)



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What is Joomla!®?

Joomla!® is one of the worlds most popular CMS platforms.

Since 2006, it has been downloaded more than 30 million times, with a new download every 2.5 seconds.

Joomla!® holds a unique place in the Open Source community, being the only non-corporate backed, community driven CMS platform in the world.

Joomla!® also implements modern programming standards using Object Oriented Programming, and wrapping things up with a strong MVC design pattern. has seen fast-paced growth since it’s beginnings in 2006, and now hosts more than 7.5 million visitors on it’s websites.

The Joomla!® CMS is one of the most widely translated CMS’s, with 64 languages currently supported.

Joomla!® has won numours awards and has one of the most active Open Surce communities with it’s own community magazine featuring over 465 articles published in the last two years, and hundreds of thousands topics, posts and members in its forum.

From 2006 to 2011 there were 111 Joomla!®Day events held in 34 countries, on 6 continents all over the world.

Once you start with Joomla!®, you can extend it with one or several of the over 9400 extensions available from the Joomla!® community at

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