Video Infographic : MED-DESIRE project Infographic
MED-DESIRE (“MEDiterranean DEvelopment of Support schemes for solar Initiatives and Renewable Energies”) is a strategic project
aiming at supporting energy sustainability, raising public awareness on energy efficiency and implementing best practices in legal, regulatory, economic and organizational issues, including the promotion of new financing mechanisms, in order to remove the barriers of solar technology and enhance its development.
Funded by the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme, the project is implemented by a consortium of nine partners from five countries (Egypt, Italy, Lebanon, Spain and Tunisia), leaded by Puglia Region – Economic Development Regional Ministry – Industrial Research and Innovation Department and ARTI: the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea; the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development; the Andalusian Energy Agency; the Andalusian Institute of Technology; the Center of Energetic, Environmental and Technological Investigations – Solar Platform of Almeria; the Tunisian National Agency for Energy Conservation; the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation; the Egyptian New and Renewable Energy Authority.
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