Video Infographic : #RiseUpOctober Infographic
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Stop Police Terror!
Massive March in NYC October 24, 2015
11AM, Washington Square Park
Actions on October 22 & 23
Which Side Are You On?
Eric Garner… Michael Brown…Aiyana Jones… Freddie Gray… Rekia Boyd… Andy Lopez…Tamir Rice
One after another, precious Black and Brown lives are stolen by police. The powers-that-be continue to unleash their cops to kill and brutalize and the courts continue to exonerate these killers. No more!
The #RiseUpOctober national march in NYC on October 24th, along with powerful actions on Oct 22 & 23, will make history. 100 families of police murder victims, Carl Dix, Cornel West, Eve Ensler, Jamal Joseph, Rev. Stephen Phelps, Gina Belafonte and countless others will demand: POLICE TERROR MUST STOP! WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON?