Video Infographic : The War on Drug Communities Video Infographic
Since its inception in 1971, when Nixon began the War on Drugs, he didn’t know it would be against a faceless enemy. Or did he know how expensive it could be. But the War on Drugs doesn’t only affect American citizens. The problem goes beyond borders, and is rooted in the flaws of humanity.
Because of the highly incentivized market for drug trade, farmers in developing countries cannot refuse participation in the drug trade. Their production of opiates and various other drugs has gauranteed the world a long lasting supply of drug related products to suit all addicts. Obviously this has consequences, but even more so, this situation bears weight on all the families and communities that are forced to be a part of this trade. Through no decision of their own, families, wives, and children that are part of the communities in these developing countries such as Afghanistan and Columbia are forced to live through the adverse conditions of their location. Communities supported by the drug trade face higher levels of malnutrition, violence, family abuse, and environmental risks.
Help us spread the word and help provide for those people that are forced to be a part of these drug communities through no choice of their own. Share the video and take action!
Read more about the story behind the War on Drug Communities Motion Graphic and what we can do to make a difference in better the people in those communities’ lives!
Music by Broken Social Scene: “Hallmark”
United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime
Business Insider
Wall Street Journal
Common Sense for Drug Policy