
Video Infographic : This Place In Your House Is Most Likely To Kill You

Video Infographic : This Place In Your House Is Most Likely To Kill You



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We never expect an accident to happen at home – until it does. But why do these accidents catch us by surprise? The home is where we feel safest, and maybe we let our guard down. However, a millisecond of complacency can lead to a lifetime of pain. In the UK in 2007, almost 2.7 million people were injured at home. In the USA, accidents are the number one cause of death for children and young adults, and almost half of these accidents happened in the home according to the National Safety Council. Studies by the NSA show that while accidents can happen in all of our rooms, one room is potentially more deadly than all of the others. Can you guess which room that is? That’s what we’ll find out today, in this episode of the Infographics Show, The Most Dangerous Places in the Home. What are the most dangerous places in your house?

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