
Video Infographic : University College Birmingham Principles Infographics

Video Infographic : University College Birmingham Principles Infographics



University College Birmingham (UCB) asked us to create an infographics video highlighting their seven key principles for an effective learning experience.


Formed under its current guise of UCB in 2007, the college is based in Birmingham city centre, in the West Midlands, and currently serves over 8,000 students – over 1,000 of which are international students – on Higher Education, Postgraduate, and Further Education programmes.

Student satisfaction rates are critically important for any higher education provider – both for their enrolled students but also for the college’s future reputation – and the learning experience that the college provides plays a large part in determining how pleased the students are with their institution.

UCB decided to tackle this head on, with a strategy, comprised of seven core principles, to help ensure that the college provides an effective learning experience for their students.

To illustrate these principles, and the strategy as a whole, UCB asked us if we could create an infographics video for them.

We were happy to help, so we highlighted their seven key principles as infographics, with our video also containing typography, a professional voiceover, and a rather jaunty piece of music too!


Stone’s Throw Media are an animation production and video production company based in Wolverhampton in the West Midlands.

We work across the UK and overseas and on projects such as drawing animations, 2D animations or 3D animations and aerial video.

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