
Video Infographic : Why Do People Go Crazy In Solitary Confinement?

Video Infographic : Why Do People Go Crazy In Solitary Confinement?



Solitary confinement requires that an inmate be restricted to one cell and has no contact, or at least very little contact, with other inmates.

Kinds of solitary confinement differ all over the world, and no doubt in some countries you still have what might better be called dungeons. In most developed countries these days such segregation units are not as barbaric and prisoners should have some time outside of the cell as well as receive enough nourishment that they won’t be looking forward to the next time an insect gets into their cell. Nonetheless, many critics call it an inhumane, psychological torture that is hardly in line with rehabilitation. Let’s now see how you might deal with it, in this episode of the Infographics Show, How to get through time in solitary confinement.




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