
Video Infographic : Why Is Blue A Boys Color?

Video Infographic : Why Is Blue A Boys Color?



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If you’ve ever studied film or advertising, you’ll know that colors are not just randomly chosen. There’s a good reason why many personal care products come in white packaging, and that’s because white symbolizes purity and cleanliness. If we want to denote that something is natural, we might use the colors green or brown. Things that are mysterious or wicked might be painted black, while sensuality will almost always come in red. If we are trying to make a scene look happy, we’ll use bright colors such as yellow or orange, and if we want something to exude femininity, we might think about using the color pink. While different cultures give different meanings to some colors, the meanings also cross cultures at times. Today we’ll look at mostly one color, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Why Is Blue A Boys Color.





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