
Video Infographic : 得閒去飲茶 yum cha together infographic (Chinese and English subtitles)

Video Infographic : 得閒去飲茶 yum cha together infographic (Chinese and English subtitles)



利用Infographic 講解「得閒去飲茶」透過飲茶活動幫助香港70%中小型默默耕耘慈善機構/社企獲得社會資源支持,以亦予亦受(give and take)元素提升弱勢社群的自信及社會認同感。以及不同界別的參加者都有不同得著及獲益。

「得閒去飲茶」是藉著一本同名得獎書籍而伸延的社會企業。以飲茶、關愛、傳承為理念,創建獨特的交流平台─:透過探訪、互動及飲茶吃點心活動,讓活動參加者(公衆、公司、學生、組織及團隊等)了解香港不同默默耕耘的中小型的慈善機構的社區工作, 同時直接與受惠者交流認識。「得閒去飲茶」的活動特色是加入了飲食文化的遊戲元素, 以角色轉換(亦予亦受GIVE AND TAKE)的方法, 締造機會讓受惠者能在活動上擔當主角,展現她們的個人專長,增加她們的社會認同感及自信心。參加者同時能感受幫人助己的開心獨特行善體驗。


“Yum Cha Together” is a social enterprise that hosts yum cha events for social good, with the mission of inheriting care and love to the community through dim sum culture. We create a unique platform to connect the society (public, corporations, students, organizations) with under-resourced charitable organizations and their beneficiaries through visits and yum cha events. We embed GIVE AND TAKE element to empower beneficiaries to shine by demonstrating their expertise at the events, to increase their social recognition and self-confidence. As the same time, participants can also experience the joyful and unique experience of helping others.

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