
Infographic : Updated data visualisation training schedule 2019

Infographic : Updated data visualisation training schedule 2019

2018 was a milestone year with regards to delivering data visualisation training. I ran 38 different events around the world, of which 32 were private events and 6 were public courses, with training delivered to 1001 delegates in total.

2019 is already shaping up to be another busy year as I chase down my new target of training at least 1002 delegates. Although my schedule is increasingly dominated by private/corporate events, I continue to seek out space in my calendar to offer training to the general public in locations where I am aware of sufficient potential interest. The table below plots my current line up of public events, including the next cohort of my online course offering with Sage Campus.

I have further plans for the rest of the year, with many more locations on my wish-list. However, with the huge unknown that is Brexit looming large next year (hopefully not, but more than likely) I am waiting for any sort of clarity about its impact. What I can assure any future client is that I will do everything in my power to ensure I continue to be able to offer my services outside of the borders of this silly little island of ours. Furthermore, to any delegate potentially interested in travelling to the UK to attend any events held here (as many have done in the past), please know that I will assist you completely in continuing to make this a viable and attractive prospect for you.

If you would like me to offer public training in a location near you, I always base my schedule around where demand has been expressed. Additionally, if you would like me to come to your organisation to run an internal event for you and your colleagues, please just get in touch. You can reach me on email

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